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London has an air quality problem. That’s why the Ultra Low Emission Zone (ULEZ) is expanding across all London boroughs from 29 August 2023 to help clear London’s air.

Poor air quality is not just a central London problem. In fact, the greatest number of deaths related to air pollution occur in outer London areas.

The ULEZ has already made a significant difference, helping to reduce harmful nitrogen dioxide pollution by nearly half in central London. But we need to act now to help the five million Londoners in outer boroughs breathe clearer air too.

Cars, motorcycles, vans, and other specialist vehicles (up to and including 3.5 tonnes) and minibuses (up to and including 5 tonnes) will need to meet the ULEZ emissions standards or pay a daily charge of £12.50 when driving within the zone, including the expanded area from 29 August.

More than four out of five vehicles already meet the standards. But, if you drive a petrol vehicle over 16 years old or a diesel vehicle over 6 years old, you need to check in case you’re affected. Use our simple online vehicle checker.

To support Londoners through the expansion, the Mayor of London’s scrappage scheme is providing financial assistance for those on certain low income or disability benefits. There is also help for London-based sole traders, businesses with up to 10 employees and registered charities. The scheme opens on 30 January 2023. For more information on the scrappage scheme and other support, visit our website.

The ULEZ will continue to operate 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, every day of the year except Christmas Day (25 December). We would prefer people use a vehicle that meets the emissions standards for essential journeys rather than pay the charge or, where possible, use public transport, walk or cycle.

Any money received from the scheme is reinvested into running and improving London’s transport network, such as expanding bus routes in outer London.

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If you drive within the Congestion Charge zone in central London, you will also need to pay the daily Congestion Charge unless your vehicle has an exemption or is registered for a 100% discount. The Congestion Charge zone won’t be expanding.

If you need to pay the Congestion Charge or ULEZ daily charge, signing up for Auto Pay is the simplest way to do this. It’s now even easier with no annual registration fee from 30 January 2023. It means you will never forget to pay the charge and risk receiving Penalty Charge Notices for vehicles registered on your Auto Pay service.

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